Freelancing and Cycling Around The World | Ep13 Zoe Ashbridge


How do you prepare for a cycling trip around the world? Freelance writer and cycling enthusiast Zoe Ashbridge shares how she transitioned from an office job to a freelance writer during a mega cycling trip around the world. We chat about how travel by bike is different from regular travel, what are challenges along the way and tips to take note when planning for such a trip. We also discuss how to kickstart your freelance journey on Upwork and the mentality to go after the life you want. 

  • 04:10: What led to the world cycle adventure
  • 06:40: Adopting a “Just do it” mindset
  • 08:00: Planning the cycling route and equipment
  • 11:55: Travel plans can change
  • 13:30: Some continents are easier for cyclists
  • 16:15: Planning with the seasons
  • 19:35: Getting fit with cycling
  • 23:15: A different travel experience by bike
  • 29:55: Interacting and communicating with locals
  • 32:10: Tips for planning a cycle trip
  • 35:32: A memorable story from travel
  • 40:30: Budgeting and how to save up for a trip
  • 45:20: Getting into freelance writing while traveling
  • 47:10: Handing work during travels
  • 51:47: The freelancing landscape
  • 59:50: Tips to get started on freelancing platform

Key Quotes

I’m not really scared about taking risk, but I also think its the calculation in risk. I think about… is anything bad going to happen? So although it feels risky, this is just gonna alter my course of life for a bit, but I don’t see anything bad’s gonna happen.

on the mindset to pursuing an adventure or career that you want

If you kind of know that you haven’t got a hard plan before you leave, didn’t know. All you’ve got to do is move forward every single day. And you can go around the world eventually.

on not needing really high fitness for a cycling journey

When you cycle, the journey of getting from A to B is what you’re doing opposed to the destination of the place. You see places in a way that you wouldn’t see them if you just flew out somewhere and landed in the city centre.

on cycling being a very different travel experience

There’s enough space for all of us, I think there’s a lot of work out there, if you’re willing to put the hours in and build up your portfolio.

on getting into freelancing and not being afraid of competition