Chat With Nomads
Nomadic Travel, Business & Lifestyle Podcast | By NomadsUnveiled.com
At Chat With Nomads, we speak to world travelers and digital nomads who are living their dreams around the world. In a casual and fun fireside conversation, we uncover travel insights. business advices, adventure stories and lifestyle tips from their experiences.
Hear multiple perspectives and stories of personalities from all over the world. You will realise that there is more than one way to do what you love. Amidst exciting and memorable travel adventures, we talk business, marketing and content strategies for digital nomads to take their businesses on the road. We share our struggles and challenges on the road, as well as how to cope with them. Let us inspire you with personal stories and help you with practical advices.
This podcast is.. (actually because it is selfishly fun for me 😉 ) for you – the burning soul who loves to travel, desires to build a thing of your own, and craves the freedom of choice in life.
Latest Episodes & Synopsis
- Spreading Art & Love Through Travel | Ep18 Artistic VoyagesImmersing yourself in other local cultures can not only provide artistic inspirations and also another perspective at life, without all the hustle in fast paced societies. It also provides an opportunity to see things on the ground that might seem far fetched from home. Chris and Jill from Artistic Voyages share how they decluttered their life and…
- Food Experiences as a Vegan Traveler | Ep17 The Nomadic VeganVeganism can actually be a positive force in enhancing your travel experiences, and appreciation for local culture & food. Wendy from The Nomadic Vegan debunks the myth that being vegan will negatively affect your travels and shares her tips on how you can prepare for a trip as a vegan traveler. We speak about nutritional…
- Boat Life Insights: Sailing Around The World | Ep16 Sailing Ocean FoxHow does it feel to travel around the world living on a boat and have summer all year round? Simon and Carla from Sailing Ocean Fox shares all the tips and tricks to living the boat life on their Catamaran. We speak about exciting travel stories of boats drifting off coast at night, adventures of…
- Road Tripping Around the World with Motor Homes | Ep15 Lars & ShelleyLars and Shelley shows how you can pursue your dreams on the road as Middle Age Travelers. In this episode, the couple from LifeJourney4Two shares how they just came to the decision to go for that nomadic travel lifestyle one afternoon. 9 months later, they sold all their stuff and went on the adventure of…
- From Down in Debts to Successful Career and Nomadic Life | EP14 Thilini WijesinheLife is journey of constant changes, growth and learning. In this episode, Thilini shares her story on how she recover from past mistakes to building a professional career, and ultimately exchanging a lucrative pay check for the freedom to travel around the world. We chat about the mindset of riding the wave of life, and…
- Freelancing and Cycling Around The World | Ep13 Zoe AshbridgeHow do you prepare for a cycling trip around the world? Freelance writer and cycling enthusiast Zoe Ashbridge shares how she transitioned from an office job to a freelance writer during a mega cycling trip around the world. We chat about how travel by bike is different from regular travel, what are challenges along the…